The first thing DQ launched was a series of Quiltalongs. Quilters are partial to some methods over others and over a period of time, every quilter eventually finds her own unique style. With the QALs we hope to get the more experienced ones to lead the newbies, wannabes and other desis through a step by step programme which will encourage participants to pick up the basics or try out a new style. For a complete list of QALs, please check out the document on our FB page. (Click on button on the right to reach FB, our drawing room, where all the fun and action happens) Also do let us know if you would be interested in heading a QAL yourself.
DQ Elvira, who blogs at Chez Vies, volunteered to do the first QAL. She is absolutely the Goddess of 'cute' and has an uncanny ability to throw colours and patterns in a way that makes her projects completely irresistable, cheerful and oh-so-cute! AND she loves HSTs ! So a star QAL it is ! Over to Elvira...

DQ Elvira, who blogs at Chez Vies, volunteered to do the first QAL. She is absolutely the Goddess of 'cute' and has an uncanny ability to throw colours and patterns in a way that makes her projects completely irresistable, cheerful and oh-so-cute! AND she loves HSTs ! So a star QAL it is ! Over to Elvira...
Hello DQs..I hope you’re all ready to take the journey with me. It might be bumpy but I promise there will be loads of fun too..;)
This is my first QAL tutorial. I’m a bit nervous to do this cos I am a novice quilter or can I say a daring beginner ..:D. Well, there’s always FIRST in everything so here we go.
First of all, we’re going to make a STAR quilt. This quilt is going to be SQUARE quilt, which can be used as a table cloth. The size will be 48” square which made up from 16 Star blocks. You can use your scrap if you like. I’d be using both, scraps and non scraps. There will be 4 different kind of stars in this quilt. So, buckle up!!
Now let’s begin:
1) FLYING GEESE STAR - Make 4 blocks
Finish block size 12”
What you need:
3 colors of fabric. 1 SOLID and 2 PRINTED fabric.
You can OPT for 2 colors : 1 SOLID and 1 PRINTED.
But I prefer to use 2 printed fabrics.
The CUT:
a. WHITE/Background fabric:
Cut 2 : 3 ½’ x 36” strips and cut into 16 pcs x 3 ½” Squares
Cut 1 : 7 ¼ ‘ x 36” and cut into 4 pcs x 7 ½ squares
b. PURPLE FLOWER /Star points
Cut 2 : 4” x 36” strips and cut into 16 pcs x 4” squares
c. POLKADOTS/Star center
Cut 1 : 6 ½” x 36” strips and cut into 4 pcs x 6 1/2” squares
HOW TO DO the Flying Geese
- Draw diagonal lines on the PURPLE flowers and put right side together on the WHITE background fabric as shown in the photos. Match up the lines.

2. Sew ¼ inch on EITHER sides of the line. And CUT the LINE once you finish sewing . Open and press. And you will get this half geese block

3. And place another 4” PURPLE flower on this pieces, right side together, pin and sew ¼ inch on both sides of the line. CUT The lines once finished and you’ll get this neat flying geese blocks

4. Repeat step 3 with the other half geese block
- Arrange the pieces as shown the the photos. (well, I like to arrange my blocks before sewing them together to minimize sewing mistake

2. Sew the first and 3rd row. Sew the 3 ½” white background to either sides of the flying geese block.
3. Sew the flying geese blocks to either sides of the POLKADOTS piece.
4. Sew the row pieces together and your Star block is ready

5. Go and make another 3 blocks ^_^
TRICK #1: Trick #1: after making the flying geese, measure the edge 1/4 inch from the triangle point and cut (to straighten it) :).

If you have any question, just write in the comments and I'll try my best to not confuse you any further *_^.
Enjoy the ride & happy quilting :)