Friday 14 September 2012

Sunny Bee !

BEE DESI TOO now has a theme. And a name.


The theme is the 'Sun' and all that it means to you. Its all about living life 'Sunny Side Up'. Use it literally or figuratively. Realistically, Surrealistically or even Whimsically. The Queen Bee needs to decide what she wants her 'SUN' to be and give instructions accordingly. It could be pieced, appliqued, embroidered or just implied. It could be, lets say, a block representing the Sun, or a cityscape with a tiny Sun, or a sunny garden/beach/jungle/field/whathaveyou, or just play with shadows, or a scrappy yellow block, or just a happy block with a tiny piece of yellow thrown in somewhere. Its about celebrating life and living it with a positive, cheerful and sunny attitude. Its about BEEING a SUNNY BEE !

SUNNY BEE is all ready for take off. This Bee will be staggered for better moderation, which means the Queen Bee's month will start on the 15th rather than the 1st of every month.The Bee members have until 15th of the following month to complete the required block and despatch it to the Queen Bee of the month. DQ Bhavani will be our first Sunny Bee and will start rightaway in September'12. Have fun girls ! Cheerzzzzz....


  1. Its a great picture.....but what happens to those who don't get turned on by fried eggs!!!
