Elvira's Star QAL has encouraged many a newbie to get over their piecophobia and start piecing. Take a look..
This is getting exciting. So get all your star blocks ready for here's Elvira's how-to on putting together the final touches to your special quilt:

This is getting exciting. So get all your star blocks ready for here's Elvira's how-to on putting together the final touches to your special quilt:
Finishing the quilt:
Since I’m making a tablecloth, I will not use batting for my quilt. I put a border in lime green and yellow at the back.
I’m using mitered border which gave a very nice finish to the tablecloth. For the mitered border I used tutorial from CHERRY MENLOVE (http://www.cherrymenlove.com/crafts-how-tos/2010/07/ how-to-make-my-heirloom-midsomer-madness-tablecloth.html) which is awesome. She gave a very clear instruction on how to do it, so please go and take a look at her blog if you want a mitered border. And also you can see how she finished her patchwork tablecloth which exactly what I did mine.
If you want to make a regular sandwich and binding quilt, there are few tutorial which I found it easy to follow:
1. Finishing your quilt guide (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BwkeQk36_fJGMjk3ZTYxZDUtN2U0Ni00Y2MzLWEzODktYzE4ZTdhMzJhMWM5/ edit?hl=en_US&pli=1)
2. Crazy Moms Quilt (http://crazymomquilts.blogspot.in/2008/10/binding-tutorial.html)
3. Jaybird Quilts (http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/2010/01/perfect-binding-tutorial.html)
4. Video Tutorial on Binding the Quilt from Missouri Star Quilt (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GVA05MxXTU&feature=related)
And this is the result :D

So, that's all...I hope you enjoy the ride and can't wait to see what you're all making..^_^
Happy Quilting
Do join us next week to view the entire gallery of finished Star Quilts from our Desi Quilters.
Do join us next week to view the entire gallery of finished Star Quilts from our Desi Quilters.
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