Fact is stranger than fiction. Believe it or not, its strange but its true. Many a quilter, even accomplished ones, find it difficult to work wonky. They prefer straight cuts, no matter how complicated the pattern. So what do you do when you are that sort of a quilter but are tired of straightforward blocks? Why, you twist 'em, of course!
DQ Nikhat brings us this Learn-Along (LAL) on how to give the traditional Log Cabin a twist..

Now isn't that beautiful?! Wonky but straight? Traditional but twisted?
Thank you Nikhat !!
DQ Nikhat brings us this Learn-Along (LAL) on how to give the traditional Log Cabin a twist..
This method of making a twisted log cabin block is without paper piecing.
The choice and no. of fabric strips is entirely yours.
1. I started off by fuzzy cutting a 2 inch

2. cut a couple of 2 inch strips along the WOF

Cut 2 strips the size of the side

Join this to the centre piece.
Next prepare your scales by marking 1/4 inch and 1 1/4 inches

Now place the scale in such a way that the 1/4 inchline coincides with the left corner of the centre square (where both the fabric meet) and the 1 1/4 inch line meets the right corner of the square.

Cut along and repeat on the other side.

This is how it looks now...

Now place the ruler in such a way that edge of the green fabric is lined with one of the lines on the ruler and the rt.side of the ruler should be 1/4 inches away from the point where both fabric meet.

Cut and repeat on the other side too.

Cut 2 strips for the other 2 sides and sew them on.

Basically, you are creating a square.
Now place your ruler or a square ruler 1/4 inch away from all the 4 corners of the centre piece and cut.

One has to go on repeating the whole process of cutting, stitching, ironing, lining-up and cutting again.

considering the red square, sew another 2 inch of fabric on the opposite sides and line up the ruler with the 1/4 inch mark coinciding with the left corner where the 2 fabric meet and the 11/4 inch mark lined along the right side of the square where the 2 fabric meet and cut.
Next attach the same fabric on the other 2 sides and square it up.

Now is the next round of sewing fabric

One has to go on with these steps over avd over till your desired square is reached.
My block here is a 4 1/2 inches square.

Now isn't that beautiful?! Wonky but straight? Traditional but twisted?
Thank you Nikhat !!
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